TTRPG Narrative Samples

Samples written specifically for game introductions, item lore, or room descriptions to be used in TTRPGs.

Madness- a Sword Backstory

  • The backstory of a powerful item, written on commission for a private high fantasy D&D campaign. Linked for brevity.

Intro for a Blades Adventure

  • A short intro sequence written for a Blades in the Dark one shot.

  • Let's journey into the city of Duskvol.

    We open on a crowded street at the edge of the Night Market, right across the river from Charter Hall. The posh shops and elegant government buildings of the Charter Hall district shine just enough light across the river to make the edges of the Night Market district seem... not so menacing. And that's where we find the Golden Apple.

    The Golden Apple: A den of luxury, excess and pleasure for the wealthy and the elite. It's in the perfect position for the rich to feel adventurous— and discreet— without getting their feet too dirty. We follow a glamorous looking man, his clothes inlaid with gold and his fingers dripping with rings, as he looks around, ducks into the doorway, and walks down a hall. He whispers a few words to a guard and makes his way inside to the lavish interior of the club.

